Biologie animale, Comportement, Ecologie

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Références bibliographiques

• Daghfous, G., Smargiassi, M., Libourel, P. A., Wattiez, R., & Bels, V. (2012). The function of oscillatory tongue-flicks in snakes: insights from kinematics of tongue-flicking in the banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata). Chemical senses, 37(9), 883-896.

• Ford, N. B. (1986). The role of pheromone trails in the sociobiology of snakes. In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 4: Ecology, Evolution, and Comparative Biology (pp. 261-278). Boston, MA: Springer US.

• McDowell, S. B. (1972). The evolution of the tongue of snakes, and its bearing on snake origins. Evolutionary Biology: Volume 6, 191-273.

• Schwenk, K. (1994). Why snakes have forked tongues. Science, 263(5153), 1573-1577.